Tuesday, February 19, 2013

[Graphic Art] Character illustrations - "Dream Drops"

  • Your name and contact information : Hyeon I Son (flsltm@gmail.com) 714-788-9598
  • A description of each piece submitted including whether the work is personal or was created as a course assignment. : This is personal work created for Spotlight award entry. Unfortunately, it was not selected by judges for semi finals. The work is created by using: Adobe Photoshop CS3. The theme of this illustration is to show, the marionette is representing a human figure captured by unknown character. The character holding a fold that controls the figure this is representing that human is followed by its dream, but as important, that dream cannot be sweet every times. This is shown as the character's hands which it holding folds covered with blood; means that dream sometimes can condemn the human. The character's vision is directly make an eye contact with its viewer to make them feel this figure can be their mirrored image.
  • The date the work was completed: It was completed on 2011 Spring.

White out version




 Finished Work